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AST i detaljer

Ideen bag AST –

udnyttelse af potentiale

fra biogasaffald til “ready to use” svampesubstrat

AST har udviklet en metode, der kombinerer affald fra biogasanlæg og behovet for svampesubstrat. Metoden medfører at udnyttelsen af energipotentialet i biogasanlæg kan hæves fra de nuværende ca. 55% til mere end 80% ved at genanvende brugt svampesubstrat . Samtidig kan produktionstiden for svampesubstrat reduceres fra ca. 5 uger til få dage og substraten vil være lagerfast i modsætning til nu, hvor det skal anvendes inden for kort tid.


Metoden omfatter anlæg til optimeret udnyttelse af delvist afgasset biomasse til produktion af vækstmedier til svampeproduktion, fosforgødning og øget bioenergi. I konceptet anvendes delvist afgasset biomasse til produktion af svampesubstrat. Svampenes evne til at nedbryde cellulose, hemi-cellulose og lignende i biomasse anvendes til at sikre øget og effektiv udnyttelse af biomassernes samlede energipotentiale.

Anvendelse af AST svampe substrat i pille form vil, i modsætning til konventionelt substrat, være lagerfast, lettere at håndtere og give væsentligt forbedret arbejdsmiljø under produktion samt være billigere at fremstille.

Anlægskonceptet består af en række kendte teknologier sammensat på en ny og innovativ måde så der sikres størst mulig genindvinding af energi. En produktionsenhed fra AST kan implementeres som en tilføjelse til et biogasanlæg eller svampeproduktionsanlæg.

AST løsningen er baseret på ansøgte patenter, der vedrører metoder til behandling og udnyttelse af organisk materiale og biomasse i et samlet anlægskoncept. Konceptet omfatter anaerob fermentering (gæring uden ilt) fulgt af separation af afgasset biomasse med produktion af fiber fraktion. Efter tørring og konditionering er fiber fraktionen basis råmateriale til produktion af substrat for dyrkning af svampe. Efter svampedyrkning kan det brugte substrat genanvendes som biomasse til produktion af biogas.


The idea behind AST –

Utilization of potential

from biogas waste to “ready to use” mushroom substrate

AST has developed a method that combines waste from biogas facilities and the need for mushroom substrate. The method means that the utilization of the energy potential in biogas plants can be increased from the current approx. 55% to more than 80%, by recycling used mushroom substrate. At the same time, the production time for mushroom substrate can be reduced from approx. 5 weeks to a few days – and the substrate will be shelf-stable, unlike now, where it must be used within a short time.


The method includes facilities for optimized utilization of partially degassed biomass for the production of growth media for mushroom production, phosphorus fertilizer and increased bioenergy. In the concept, partially degassed biomass is used for the production of mushroom substrate. The fungi’s ability to break down cellulose, hemi-cellulose and the like in biomass is used to ensure increased and efficient utilization of the biomass’s total energy potential.

Using AST mushroom substrate in pill form will, in contrast to conventional substrate, be stable in storage, easier to handle and provide a significantly improved working environment during production, as well as being cheaper to manufacture.

The plant concept consists of a number of known technologies combined in a new and innovative way to ensure the greatest possible recovery of energy. A production unit from AST can be implemented as an addition to a biogas plant or mushroom production plant.

The AST solution is based on applied for patents relating to methods for the treatment and utilization of organic material and biomass in an overall plant concept. The concept includes anaerobic fermentation (fermentation without oxygen) followed by separation of degassed biomass with production of fiber fraction. After drying and conditioning, the fiber fraction is the basic raw material for the production of substrate for growing mushrooms. After mushroom cultivation, the used substrate can be reused as biomass for the production of biogas.

Better energy utilization

in biogas production

Utilization of the energy potential in biogas plants is for the vast majority of plants at the level of 50-60%, depending on which biomasses are used. Through the utilization of partially degassed biomass, AST can raise the utilization of the energy potential to more than 80%.

Test and demo plant

Foulum Biogas, AU Foulum

In collaboration with Foulum Biogas, a test facility has been established.

The plant has been established to be able to document the efficiency and flexibility of an AST plant on a scale that can be compared to what will apply to commercial plants.

Foulum Biogas is owned by Aarhus University and has the world’s largest experimental reactor for testing equipment for the biogas industry.

Our customers can reuse biosubstrate and transform waste into value with a green solution.

The output from Pressing (1) of the digestate is a liquid fertilizer and a fibre part with dry matter (DM) at 30 – 40%.
The output of the Drying (2) is dried fibre and a steam of water and ammonia.
If you want to produce fuel pellets or compacted mushroom substrate the fibre is processed in a Pellet press (3).
The fibre and the pellets must be Cooled (4) in a cooler before the products are storable.
The ammonia in the steam is not discharged into the air. It is Absorbed (5) in a liquid fertilizer. The Condenser and the N-absorber absorbs the majority of ammonia as NH4-N in liquid with pH > 6,5.
Pyrolysis (6, Optional) can be used to generate the heat for the drying process. The biochar from the pyrolysis process can be mixed into both substrate and fertilizer pellets or added pure to soil as an effective “carbon capture” solution.

AST Add On – Commercial size plant. DBG A/S, Nibe – Denmark

Capacity of 3 ton evaporation per hour and a corresponding 3 ton per hour of dried fiber production capacity