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Add-On Technology

The AST Add On consist of 7 processes

The output from Pressing of the digestate is a liquid fertilizer and a fibre part with dry matter (DM) at 30 – 40%.
The output of the Drying is dried fibre and a steam of water and ammonia.
The dry fibre hygienizated at +70 deg C in +1 hour in the Hygienization unit.
If you want to produce fuel pellets or compacted mushroom substrate the fibre is processed in a Pellet press.
The fibre and the pellets must be Cooled in a cooler before the products are storable.
The ammonia in the steam is not discharged into the air. It is Absorbed (5) to a liquid fertilizer. The Condenser and the N-absorber absorbs the majority of ammonia as NH4-N in liquid with pH < 6,5.
Part of reject liquid from (1) is processed in the Nitrification unit (7) making liquid NO3 – fertilizer with < 3% DM for agriculture and greenhouses.

AST Add On – Commercial size plant. DBG A/S, Nibe – Denmark

Capacity of 3 ton evaporation per hour and a corresponding 3 ton per hour of dried fiber production capacity